
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dolla Dolla Billz ya'll

So my manager pulled me into a room this morning (had my  annual review on Tuesday) She had a piece of paper in her hand.  The last time this happened I was being told I was being promoted! Woop Woo!  But also the last time this happened her boss was also in the room.  So I knew it wasn't the promotion that I've been working towards for the last 2.5 years! (I have plenty of bitterness about that...later on)

So any who, she pulls me in the room and tells me that I've gotten a Merritt increase.  WTF? Apparently the are the annual raises that the company used to give to employees if they had not been promoted in that year.  However, a co-worker got the same letter (probably more $$), but she was promoted 2x in 2010....huh...

So I got a raise, the annual increase which seemed nice until I got back to my desk...I did the math...per hour its an increase of less than $0.50 an hour! It made my laugh at myself for being so excited about it.  It's better than nothing.  I'm lucky to have a good steady job.  I'm grateful (sometimes) to have two jobs!

It seems like it's about time us employees start seeing some of the great growth and accomplishments we've been working on for this company!  We get memos from the CEO every so often telling us how, even though the economy sucks right now, our company is still number 1, still doing amazing.  So why didn't you start matching our 401k like a year ago instead of a month ago?  Why are people sitting a tables around our office instead of expanding and getting new cubes? Why did you shut down an accounting office down south? Why are you outsourcing more of our jobs to India?

Well that turned in to more of a rant that I an anticipated...sorry Charlie

How can I help you?

Working tonight at the country club and I'm pretty sure that I'm going to be bored out of my mind I write.

So I went out with T Friday, and nothin.  I don't have feelings for him and he's so shy and not super confident so ...nothing.  We went out and played darts and had a couple of drinks.  This is a big guy and he had two drinks and go drunk and had to eat after darts.  We didn't even go out until 8.  Who doesn't eat??  He didn't text me right afterwards asking me out again so that I thought was good. But then the other day I got an email from him saying - basically I had a good time, I'd like to go out again when I get back from CA.  My roommate's BF was over and he had some advice about a response.  I ultimately knew that I was going to say no, but I made it nice - like if we hang out again it's going to be as friends. (aka, I don't really want to hang out with you again). The man responded about 15 seconds later! Saying something like "yea I was thinking friends too"  poor guy just wanted to save face.  I just sort of hope he doesn't actually want to go out again when he gets back.

I'm meeting another guy for HH tomorrow so that will be fun.  I hope I feel better by then! I've been sick for like 3 days now.  I went home early from work sick on Tuesday after throwing up in the bathroom!, slept for like 3 hours, woke up, changed in to jammies, found a sub for volleyball (that's how you know I'm really sick!), called mom, and had no trouble passing out at like 10.  I though it was the flu, playing volleyball last night didn't help things much.  But hopefully I'll be better enough tomorrow to have a drink!  AND then go sit in the hot tub with Em! Even better! 

The only good thing - I guess is that tonight Judy told me that I'm looking thin.  I laughed and said my pants are always this baggie!  Too bad not feeling well has cut in to my gym time. I haven't gone since Sunday! Knowing me I'd get there and have some poop attack or be super gassy!

Well that's a good note to end a blog on! hahaha

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Missed my AM training run! Ops!

So I woke up at 8:45 for my 9am training run in that's clearly not happening this morning.  I set the alarm wrong! Nuts!  At least I went to the gym yesterday and did about 2.5 miles there.  That felt good.  I haven't ran in so long, so my hip and knee were a little sore.  I gotta get back to lifting like I did with my trainer! Who's now in Florida! Dang her!

The reason that I woke up late and also the reason that caused me to set my alarm wrong last night is this guy T.  We went out last night and didn't get home til about midnight.  It was super late for me, my normal bedtime is about 10pm, on weekends too sometimes!  So we went out planning on going bowling, but it was too busy and we just hung out in the bar and played darts for a few hours.  I won 5-2.  I rock.  I've gone out with this guy before but I just didn't really feel anything for him. He's nice enough and all but I just don't see him in my future.  So we didn't go out again, until he asked last week.  Part of me wanted to say no and just leave it, but other told me to give him another shot.  So I did and again there was nothing.  We had two beers and he was drunk because he hadn't eating anything.  So we got some food and finally left after.  He didn't try to kiss me, he didn't ask me out again and he didn't text me.  But I fear I'll have to actually reject him one of these days when it happens.  I just don't like doing it! I hate when it's done to me!

I spent half of the night thinking about and comparing this guy to my ex-boyfriend.  Things we better with him, we had the connection, we had great conversation, we had the chemistry.  Little or none of that existed with T.  When I got home I wanted to text him and tell him that dating sucks and I missed him.  But I was strong and I resisted.  Instead I texted a girlfriend saying I just got home from my date.  I miss him.  I hate dating.

I do hate dating.  I don't like it.  I've never done it, really, before so I feel like I'm no good at it.  Why can't the guy that I'm supposed to be with have a label that says my name on it.  That would make life so much easier!

Last night I had a dream that my ex was around again.  He came over and we hugged and I thought things were ok.  He told me he loved me and he wanted me to be his girlfriend, that he though of me as the one he wanted to be with and was supposed to be with.  But he actually had another girlfriend - his ex, he was with her again.  But wanted to be with me.  And told me he had cheated on me with her.  All my worst fears coming true.  I freaked out and yelled and his family was around and they were getting ready to leave for Florida.  So weird! Sometimes I hate dreams.

Lucas' 1st Birthday Party today! Yay!  I bought him the best toy: Scout! He was a big hit with my other friends' little boy, so why not again!

Oh yea - my friend's water broke last night! She's not due for another 3 weeks, but it looks like she's going to come early!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Get Lucky

Count down to the Get Lucky 7k is on! 3.5 miles this Saturday morning with Team Ortho!

Twitter is Funny, and I have a date

So I started a twitter account like two or three years ago, and didn't really use it for anything.  To this day I have about 4 tweets on there.  But I do follow a few people, a couple of friends and "sh*tmydadsays".  Tonight I found Stewie and Peter Griffin.  And I do recommend them.  I don't know who's writing those tweets, but they are really funny!  Let's see if I can pick out some of the better ones...

If pluto isnt a planet, then midgets aren't people.
if by Jareds you mean Wal-Mart, then yes I got it at Jareds
Think POSITIVE: I fell down the stairs what did I say, DAMN I GOT DOWN THOSE STAIRS FAST.

If you watch Cinderella backwards, its about a woman who learns her place.

Tomorrow I'm going out with a guy T, that I went out with once a few months ago.  I don't really know how this is going to go.  I just don't know if there's anything really there, but we'll see.  It could just be a fun night out! I've never really dated before.  So these last few months of actually going on dates has been strange.  I have another date on Saturday or Sunday with a guy, N.  Finally just someone who was up for meeting with out the texting and 700 emails.  That's nice.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Here we go...

So I just randomly decided to start a blog...we'll see what this really turns into.  It may just be my venting about dating, work, friends, and life in general.  Or a blog about my running and working out, first race next month!  So we'll see.